Sunday, October 28, 2007

Well... my new address from now on is across the street at this new place.
Due to certain inconveniences that I have encountered here, I decided to move my tent to the competitions' site. I found it to be more fulfilling and accurate. All activities will be recommenced as soon as possible so you won't be left without literature at work for very long. :D Also I have been advised to write in my native language and forget about the almighty English. So... Sa ne revedem cu bine!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Saturdays are especially reserved for partying wild after a hard week's work meaning long, intricate courses and seminaries, bouncing from one activity to another and being constantly bombarded with stress factors (mostly dumb f**ks who have a hard time understanding plain romanian, those are my primary stress factors!). It's more than comforting to think in the middle of the week how a long and relaxing Saturday awaits you in a few days (never more than 6 :D ). Even work seems to flow faster and more pleasant when you have something to keep you going and something to tease your hedonist side with.
Yesterday, meaning Saturday of course, I attended a type of concert that I haven't been to in quite a while. It was an IPR (Implant pentru Refuz) concert that took place at Suburbia (Selari Street Number 19). At most of the concerts I've been lately I just sat in a special reserved seat and had plenty of time and space to contemplate the music that was just being given to me and/or my/others navel(s). This doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy them. I like to think that I have a very interesting and nice to look at navel. It's not the kind it sticks out, it's a little perky sign on my belly that offers lots of contemplating material and it's lint free. Thank God! I could never understand where does the lint come from in certain navels and it's always the same color: gray! Even if you wear red, it's still gray. This is a mystery yet to be raveled.
So...back to the concert. I didn't had any time to look at my perky birth reminiscence. I arrived there late as always after a friend waited for me 30 minutes in the rain. So-rreh Teemmeh! :"> Missed the opening act, Godmode or something like that. Heard they were good though. Soon after I got what I came there for: some action and music! Like any respectable group they had to have colored lights. I thought I saw a rotating image of a blue baby on a wall... *blink blink* and the blue baby kept rotating through the entire gig. The place was full, couldn't throw a pin in there, and they were very active. At the lasts IPR concerts you could have see fewer and fewer attendants but this time they all gathered up for this event. I think there were guys from Arad and Timisoara even. That was impressive. The entire atmosphere was familiar and warm (got hot later due to the insufficient air conditioning). I danced/bounced my glasses off... literally and sang what I could remember from back when I was even more young and restless. I heard from an inside source that the guys from the band were touched by the fact that so many people were interested in their new project and they have such support. I wish them luck and more supporters! Ca c'est tout!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

" Hey cutie I really like your profile, I got a lil profile and I'm on camera. Come watch me! I'm sure you'll like it!"
I get this message over and over and over again and over again. Am I the only one? What the f**k? I'm annoyed! ok... no more turkish fans lately but now I got spammer fans? Geesh...I guess I'll just have to activate my "Ignore anyone who is not in my list" option again. Haven't clicked on that since my highschool stalkers. Oh the memories...the scary chats and morbid pictures received... I can just remember those days. Late one night, a strange guy, who lived near me or something, messaged me telling all kinds of creepy stories that could have been a nice screenplay for a Cannibal Corpse video. The words blood, death, maggots, bones and torture were abundant. At first the details were general, just like in the horoscopes, general truths that can be applied to everyone but as the conversation ran deep the details were more and more...accurate. I freaked out entirely and that YM security option "Ignore anyone who is not in my list" saved my precious sleep from nightmares and my daily activities from paranoia.
Now the present situation is not a case of a possible stalker, just the annoyance towards spam of a bored individual having nothing to write about

*Click Click*
Tragedy Avoided! :D

Monday, October 15, 2007

*2 hours of awkward silence tete-a-tete*
*click click*
Boy asks Girl: What do you like about me anyway? *enter*
Girl says: Uhm...Uhm... *awkward silence* What I like about you... *backspace* uhmm... the fact that I couldn't put you in the "The Rest of Them" Group in the YM. I put you in the group called 'A' so I can see you whenever you're online,without scrolling down and be nearby me, then I moved you to the "Idiots" group 'cause you're a f***ing asshole most of the time, but in the "The Rest of them" group... jamais! *No...No...I meant to say that I like the way your hand glides on the buttons when you write sms'es, the way you play with the steering wheel when you drive and the way you trap my finger when I put my hand over yours on the gear stick.* *enter*
Boy with a dumb look on it's face accidentally presses Esc: *F3* I have a nice wardrobe! It has fine patterns! I like this drawer. *enter*
Girl says, befuddled: Baby, you're an asshole! It's back to the Idiots group with you! *enter* *drag and drop*
Boy says laughing: LOL! *enter* Don't arrange your life according to the YM. *enter*
Girl exasperated: Boot! You so don't get it! Boot! Boot! Boot! *enter* BRB *angry face* *enter*
Boy: *click click*

*awkward silence in the room*

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Devil Duckie

Devil Duckie, you're the one,
You make bathtime lots of fun,
Devil Duckie, I'm awfully dirty today.
Woh, woh, bee day!

Devil Duckie, when you float,
It's like I'm bathing in a flaming moat!
Devil Duckie, you're my very best friend, hooray!
Doo, doo, doo, dee, day!

Every day when I
Make my way to get clean
I find a little fella who's
Rad and yellow and mean

Devil duckie you're so swell,
You guide me on the path to hell,
Devil Duckie, I'm awfully dirty -
Devil Duckie, you're a naughty birdy -
Devil Duckie, I'm awfully dirty today.

I got this rubber duckie a few months ago and I just can't get enough of it. It's brilliant! It sits on my printer and keeps my company while I waste time/don't waste time in my comfty office chair that doesn't really match the rest of the furniture but it's big and relaxing so... :D I only once took it in the tub but it didn't seem to be in it's element and I think it's afraid of water so... from now on it's place is set: in front of me on the printer!

P.S. Happy 20th Bday, Adeenah! Mornings would have been dull without you! *tee-hee*

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Don't mess up your kidneys or they're gonna mess you up two times worse than you did, in return!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

We're sitting on land mines. Each and every one of us. We're sitting on land mines and gun powder and only a little nudge and/or spark is needed to set them off.
I got out of my building and there's still dark outside. It's kinda awkward to go to school at the hour I used to get back home from parties. It's that part of the day that's dreary and still and not even the wind blows 'cause it's sleepy. At 6.45 am there's a traffic jam on my street. A traditional traffic jam: ceaseless honking, nerves stretched to the maximum and quick tempers that set off at the slightest sign of weakness or insecurity shown behind the wheel. If you try to be polite to one driver, another immediately protests in any way he finds suitable. After 60 minutes I'm in front of Moxa enjoying my coffee, bought after two chicks snapped at me and at the vending machine 'cause it doesn't deliver the coffee faster. I'm more than touched. *yawn* They're more than pissed at the time I'm done getting my coffee. I think I can see they're blood rushing through their veins faster than normal. *giggle* My attempt to go outside ended with some angry looks towards me and pushes from the busy little bees who were in a hurry to get to classes that haven't even started yet. Would any of them let me pass? Of course not. Even if I say "Excuse me!" and smile? That'd be a nice and polite thing for them to do... On the stairs would anyone move just an inch? Jeezz... It's rush hour and they're sitting to chit-chat about what they f***ed last night. I so wanna listen to that! Of boy... I'm touched again somewhere where the sun don't shine! If you ask them if you can pass, they grunt and moan just like if you asked if you can make passional love to their mothers. This is how they f**k they're day, f**k they're day, f**k they're day, early in the mooooooo-rning.
I took the bus home. I am still getting acquainted to the metro so if I am in the position to chose between the metro and the bus, I'll certainly pick the bus, even though it takes me ages to get where I am supposed to get. I'm certainly a bus person! The driver honks at everything from dust particles to people crossing the street on green light. I enjoy fast drivers, but not fast bus drivers. I felt like a potato in a bag. A woman starts yelling at the driver 'cause he stopped a meter extra in front of bus station. Another starts arguing about pensions with a well dressed guy who reads a paper. How dare he be calm and content when she has a low pension? Another one starts bi***ing 'cause a little kid got close to the door to get off, too soon in her opinion, and hte kid was obviously invading her private space. She almost threw him out when the door opened. Thank God I got off in time. Who knows what would have happened next?
The only stranger who smiled at me today was an old lady walking her dog , 'cause her curly companion started to play with me when I was trying to find my keys in my hubbub of a purse.
I haven't seen such an amount of rudeness and anger in any other place, at any other time. Or maybe it's been here all along and I have been aware of it. Is it only my impression that everyone is taking out on the very next person their personal unfulfillments and mental issues? God forsake they would smile a little! They're faces would chip right off.
The next logical step in our collective and social behavior is to react like the american troubled teens do: get a shotgun and shoot anything and anyone in sight. Or you should all take up sports. That would be a nice way to get rid of evil thoughts and extra bad energy and my mornings would be for sure more pleasant.
I don't wanna be snapp-ish like a frustrated old maid, grunt and groan at the vending machine (I tried, but it doesn't help a bit, trust me!) and I don't wanna slap anyone eaaar-ly in the moooo-rning 'cause they're invading my personal bubble. I pity the poor misguided fools who do so.
I'm so zen these days nothing can disrupt me! You could all use a can of Zen into your life!
Buy Can'o'Zen! It's 100% natural and ensures your good mood from 6.45am to 3pm. :)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Yesterday was the big concert. I was so excited...I even had butterflies *and hurricanes* in my stomach. As time was running out I got ready: chose the best clothes, the most funky make-up and perfume and put on my agitated jumpy- jumpy concert mood. Overall feeling good to be going to the concert. I was a big fan of their's when I was in highschool and listen to some songs obsessively I might say. Now...I kinda forgot about them and moved on to others but due to my affinity back them I considered that I should go. I got there at around 5.30pm(because I had to, not 'cause I wanted to go that early) and what did I see? A mass hysteria. There was an enormous waiting line...and when I say enormous I mean a waiting line from The Casin Monastery to the Triumph Arc and around the corner into the Herastrau Park. I think it measured 50 meters or even more (I suck at approximating measurements). The entering hour written, the small print, on the tickets was 6pm but we could enter only at 6.45. Do we need this? Not really but OK... no worries! I had time to talk and talk some more with Aivi and Peesee, my companions for this concert. Heh...Adeenah and Nae were first in line, a friend from Iasi was at the end of the line so communication was established only on a telepathic level with them. This was a great way to see friends all around the country! :D
The setting was nice and I was surprised that they protected the host's grass from the stadium. Even the Toi-Tois were more than enough. At other concerts and festivals there were always a deficit of Toi-Tois.
The first to go on stage was Brett Anderson. A little to indie-gay for me but he performed OK. I was fascinated by his choreography. At about 9pm Matthew Bellamy ( aka Muse's vocal singer) appeared on stage and started to perform. It was blissful! The visuals were incredible, the sound was incredible, the light- effects were incredible, the performance was incredible. The piano solos gave me shivers down the spine. I recognized 95% of the songs they played and knew the lyrics. That was troubling! Was I really that...of a fan? No matter! Now let's comment on the bad aspects...what I'm best at. :D I was intrigued by the fact that if you would have bought the so called VIP tickets you would have a nasty view. The tribune was positioned on the left side and that angle wasn't very revealing. I decided a little too late to get tickets so I could only get those for the B sector of the stadium, those in A being sold out. I was surprised to see how many trendy fucks attended and was also surprised by their behavior. A friend told me that she was surprised to see the amount, yes the amount, of tipsy minors in the back. But I guess that is no surprise: we go to a concert to get drunk out of our minds and blackout on the grass. Being sober at a concert is obsolescent nowadays. Stories with troubled teens at this concert I have quite a few. I won't dwell on it. Another funny incident was the one with the 4 pink bimbos in the A sector who thought they should sit on the fence so they could see better. The hell with those in the back who were not so tall and were able to see shit 'cause their asses. When a BGS guy told them to sit down they had the nerve to give us the finger. Thank God for the chewing gum and empty beer glasses thrown that convinced them to step down! Invincible pink bimbos: no more! One more thing wasn't according my expectations: The band's communication with the public. The stadium was full, almost 10.000 people, and the only words they addressed they're audience was: "Good evening, Bucharest!" and "Goodbye, Bucharest! You were great!". And with that the concert ended and the gadgets were rapidly taken off the stage. Maybe it was unintended form their behalf but still... Oh yeah, and it took me 20 minutes to escape from the stadium meet my friends. If a fire would have started I think we all would have burned alive but thank God it all went normally. So these were the pluses and minuses. The minuses minus the fact that The Guy had problems managing his time and couldn't come. >:P
Overall I had fun and enjoyed them just as much as I did when I was a big fan and it was worth getting annoyed by minors.
I admit it! I like watching the 5 o'clock news. They're seriocomical, or at least for me they are. Whenever I have some extremely free time that I wanna just waste away I watch 'em. I am accustomed to the gerontophiles, brother killing brother over a cup of sugar, son killing/raping mother for booze money. This time... it was something funny as hell. I was astonished. An 11 year old girl gave birth to a child. Nothing new up till now. Everyday I hear about cases like this but the one thing that amused be the most was the explanation of the Rromani spokes person when the doctors announced the authorities. She said and I quote: "Biologically speaking she might be a child but if you think about it, both physically and mentally she is a grown woman and can bare many kids from now on." So... it is all OK. And that poor doctor who was mortified thought she was dealing with a kid in a kids body, when all along it was just a misunderstanding: she was truly a woman in a kids body. Now, everything is all so very clear to me! And now thinking about it I can see that the newly mother and the newborn have a lot in common: one being the fact that they both lack the fully developed skull, because as we all know (I hope) the skull is fully developed in the late teenage life and up till then that region is not entirely ossified. So there... Who would of though they can have this kind of bond?!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

"Faptul ca formulezi corect problema nu te ajuta sa o rezolvi. Luciditatea nu te apara de adevar. Faptul ca teoretizam nenorocirea nu o impiedica sa se intample. Faptul ca stii de ce esti trist te face mi putin tampit, dar nu mai putin trist. Ne credem geniali pentru ca stim ca nu suntem deloc. Nicicand n-a mai existat o alta generatie atat de mandra sa-si denunte propria tampenie, sa-si laude esecurile si vanitatea, fiind atat de multumita de sine. Cultul luciditatii duce la neputinta, este o inteligenta inutila. Nicicand n-a rabdat pamantul o tinerime atat de resemnata. Eu imi petrec timpul teoretizand-mi dezastrele. Si ce folos ca-mi cunosc neputinta? Luciditatea nu ma schimba."

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I found my precious! I found my precious! It was at that tea place all along and last night when I went there they were kind enough to give it back! *caresses precious*
Today nothing interesting/worth mentioning happened and no shower- epiphany ('cause I haven't showered yet :D) so no midnight literary moment for you.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Oh jolly! The first day of school! I'm as nervous as a lil' girl in uniform and ponytail. I thought this day would never come..or so I hoped, but it did. I would have been a greater possibility to happen a wish for a pony which pisses hot chocolate than this. No matter! Here we go again for another 14 gorgeous weeks. The week and school year started just groovy. 5.45am wake up call so i can get there at 7 'cause I gotta drink my morning coffee with that incredibly gorgeous and smart person *cough*asskissing for future benefits,whatever they might be*cough*. Adeenah don't forget to tell people how much we are alike. :D Misplaced my blouse. It was there the previous evening but it seemed it was stolen by little trolls for hammocks. Question: At what hour do perverts and their pervesions awake? Answer: Perverts and their perversions never sleep. That's the only logical explanation for the ikky perv who touched my dreamy booty at 6.15am! I was so sleepy at that hour that not even my vocabulary (with proper curses and all) was fully updated for the day to come. Got in Romana later than I planned. Where's the Gregory's from which I wanted to buy coffee? Don't know but it wasn't where I knew it was. OK...let's try coffee from the vending machine inside the faculty. What? They're out of order. coffee this morning. Let's try a Nestea, it has the same concentration or even higher as a crappy coffee. OK, I don't have any change. I'm not thirsty anyway. *My ass I'm not!!* Oh look! Some guys from my class. Oops! I'm a little puzzled about their names. No biggie...I'll just avoid calling them directly (Razvan & Andrei :D). Hey look...that other guy from my class has a bottle of mineral water! So what? I'm not thirsty anyway, haven't I said that before? First course: database administration. Pretty cool if I am permitted. Second course: no course. In ASE on the first week there will be no seminaries due to...whatever they have to do there. We all went for a coffee on Andreea's expense. Happy Birthday, Andreea! You're a doll and deserve only the best! I love Libras. She won me over with the cookies she bought for us. Elena said she didn't like my longer lock and said the guy who cut my hair probably forgot it behind the ear. Thank you, Elena! If I find any naked pictures of you sitting in front of a curtain or on a bed with a crappy sheets I'll stick it in here for the entire world to see. Yes, 'cause the entire world reads me! :D She so made me laugh. Thank you! We have a new colleague this year. Pretty cute guy and seems nice. There are no more nice guys in stock. It's full of insensitive brutes (you know who you are) and others that have just discovered ''THE WOMAN" so they're a little churlish this time of year (just listen to your jokes guys, and you'll realize who you are on your own if in doubt). Third course: Econometrics. I have found the first subject that I'm sure I'll flunk this semester. Finally got those purple shoes I craved for! Yumm!

P.S. Happy Birthday to See-mon-ahh as well! You're my fav chick, you chick! Told ya this time of year I am invaded by birthdays and birthday people. Adina's next. Oh boy...