Monday, October 15, 2007

*2 hours of awkward silence tete-a-tete*
*click click*
Boy asks Girl: What do you like about me anyway? *enter*
Girl says: Uhm...Uhm... *awkward silence* What I like about you... *backspace* uhmm... the fact that I couldn't put you in the "The Rest of Them" Group in the YM. I put you in the group called 'A' so I can see you whenever you're online,without scrolling down and be nearby me, then I moved you to the "Idiots" group 'cause you're a f***ing asshole most of the time, but in the "The Rest of them" group... jamais! *No...No...I meant to say that I like the way your hand glides on the buttons when you write sms'es, the way you play with the steering wheel when you drive and the way you trap my finger when I put my hand over yours on the gear stick.* *enter*
Boy with a dumb look on it's face accidentally presses Esc: *F3* I have a nice wardrobe! It has fine patterns! I like this drawer. *enter*
Girl says, befuddled: Baby, you're an asshole! It's back to the Idiots group with you! *enter* *drag and drop*
Boy says laughing: LOL! *enter* Don't arrange your life according to the YM. *enter*
Girl exasperated: Boot! You so don't get it! Boot! Boot! Boot! *enter* BRB *angry face* *enter*
Boy: *click click*

*awkward silence in the room*

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