Saturday, September 29, 2007

Now...let's talk about food: fast food! But not any kind of fast food. There's a special place where few are privileged to go. No...No...That's not right. Encore un fois from the beginning!
This week that passed I went out with some friends to have a good old fashion... high school reunion! I met with a few of my ex colleagues which I kinda enjoy spending time. Well... once at every 3 months anyway :D Joooking... I know you read this so I don't dare saying such things out loud. *giggles* But this is not the point. The point is that we went for a quick snack in Plaza before going to Motoare. And when you say quick snack and you're on the run you always get some kind of fast food product, right? I went to KFC and stuck to my crispies, even though they give me awful tummy aches (this being my masochistic side that not many know it exists) and Flavia got something from Sr Patata. After waiting 20 minutes for her quick snack which wasn't quick at all by now it finally arrived. With all do respect for spanish was that? In front of us lied a big pile of... GOO! The fast food industry is based on shinny colors and pretty smells for it's products but this was beyond. Shouldn't food look like something that just dropped out of a poster, all perfect and stuff? Well this looked like something that was just regurgitated but the chick who prepared it. And the smell was exquisite: it smelled of potatoes and rotten cheese. I hate cheese by the way! So OK... we eat fast food knowingly that it is not very good for us (full of nasty shite such as chemicals and additives and preservatives and... Es, did I left anything out?) but at least it looks eatable and smells accordingly. So if we die of stomach cancer or least we should die because the food looked pretty, right? Why have tummy aches because we ate some bad looking food?
So this 'cuisine' has flunked its tests concerning looks and taste. I'm always up for trying new things but not when this might happen: getting a meal resembling barf!
Bon appettite!

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