Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Autumn Cleaning in 7 Easy Steps:

Step 1:Wake up early, sit a few minutes in bed and think about this looooong day that awaits.
Step 2:Pull the curtains. Open the windows and let the sun and mornin air in. Listen to the (mother fuckin') birdies sing and the cars that run around in circles hurring wherever they're off to. You should dress up suitable: XXL shirt, shorts and preferable a smurf nightcap. :D
Step 3:Choose your weapons! Ex.: puff, duster, vacuum cleaner, sponge, cleaning cloth, Pronto and some suitable music.
Step 4:Throw away old papers and notebooks. Throw away old phone numbers written on tiny pieces of paper, that you didn't call the next day, and ridiculous presents that you never liked anyway. God I hate stuffed dolls and teddy bears etc. And I'm full of them. I said this loud and clear and in public even and I still get them for Christmas or my birthday. Now...The thought counts but...co'mon! I'm in the age range where I might pull it's eyes out or wrip his hand off and we wouldn't wanna put the lil' teddy bear through that, now would we?
Step 5:Clean! Arrange (in alphabetical order and from the biggest item to the smallest. Whaa'? I like my things tidy and neat but you don't have to do that if you're not a fan...)! Whipe! Scrub! Dust! Vacuum! See? It's looking cleaner and better already.
Step 6:Put away the summer shirts and tanks, shorts and skirts (if you have any, I sure don't) and replace them with sweaters and hoodies (thank god the cold season is coming! Now I can hide my belly button under tons and tons of clothes).
Step 7:Light a scented candle, make yourself some lemonade and step aside and see the result of your doing. Istn't it groovy? :D And it wasn't that hard, was it? Now... Who wants to clean my place?

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